Magnusson Masonry Brick Bolster, DT22 W/Blade (21.6 cm)
Price : 87.00 AED
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Eliminate the panic of not knowing how much your luggage actually weighs by having a simple, accurate measurement using our travel scale. Have a thoroughly more relaxed departure and get into the holiday mood faster. Light weight and small size allow you take it aside wherever you go. The scale is perfect to be stored neatly within your luggage when you are travelling.Simple to use, portable, electronic luggage scales make holidays easier than ever beforeJetting off on holiday can be stressful enough without having to guess if your luggage exceeds the airline's weight limit. There's nothing worse, than queuing up for an hour at the check in desk, with fingers crossed, only to be told that one of your bags is too heavy. Well with this electronic luggage scales you can pack your bags with complete confidence, because this ingenious little device gives you the accurate weight of your luggage every time.The scale is safe and easy to use - you have to do is insert the scale belt through the handle of your luggage, lift it up and the LCD screen will display the weight. The scales capacity is an impressive 110 LB.