MGMN150 MGMN200 MGMN250 MGMN300 MGMN400 MGMN500 G NC3020 3030 PC9030 Slitting Carbide Insert Parting & Turning Tool MGMN
Price : 15.98 AED
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the corner
shank diameter
MGMN150 MGMN200 MGMN250 MGMN300 MGMN400 MGMN500 G NC3020 3030 PC9030 Slitting Carbide Insert Parting And Turning Tool MGMN,Buy from sellers in China and around the world. Enjoy Free Shipping, Limited Time Sale, Easy Returns, and Buyer Protection!\nEnjoy ✓Free Shipping Worldwide! ✓Limited Time Sale ✓Easy Return.
- mgmn 150/200/250/300/400/500 NC3020/NC3030/PC9030
- 95
- External Transformation Tool
- tungsten carbide
- Parting and grooving
- P M K
- Continuous / Light Interrupted / Interrupted
- grooving/low feed/wet
- Vc=140m/min f=0.08mm/r
- yellow/purple